How to Use Videos as Lead Generation for Your Community

Posted On
October 1, 2024

Videos don't have to be 30 minutes or an hour long to make them worth your while. In fact, short-form videos last for no more than 90 seconds each, but they're one of the best ways to reach your target audience. Short-form videos appear on websites, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other places where audience members spend their time. You can also run your videos on TV or use them to complement other marketing techniques, making video marketing extremely versatile and cost-effective.

Another benefit of adding short-form videos to your senior marketing strategy is that you have the opportunity to work with multiple data partners. A data partner distributes information about your community, spreading your message to a much broader audience. Short-form videos work because they're easy to consume, highly shareable, and less expensive than legacy advertising methods. Find out how you can use short-form videos to generate high-quality leads for your community.

The Effects of Streaming on Advertising Success

Thanks to streaming, you no longer have to spend millions of dollars to run an advertisement on network television. You can create targeted advertising campaigns on several streaming platforms, including Hulu and Roku. Streaming has changed the way viewers interact with these campaigns, making short-form video a cost-effective way to reach more people. For example, some platforms allow viewers to pause their live TV feeds, giving advertisers the opportunity to display midstream ads during pause periods.

As of 2023, only 10% of U.S. viewers rely solely on traditional TV, highlighting the importance of using digital video to generate leads and increase your conversion rate. More than 60% of U.S. viewers use a combination of traditional TV and streaming platforms, while 27% have completely replaced traditional TV with streaming. A strong data partner can ensure your videos appear on streaming and non-streaming devices for maximum visibility.

Using Commercials for Lead Generation

Displaying short-form videos on streaming platforms is a great way to complement your other promotional efforts. For example, if you develop a commercial for a streaming platform, you can direct audience members to download a free report, schedule a tour of your community, or visit your website for more information. Commercials increase awareness, which is the first stage in the marketing funnel. Once audience members are aware of your community, you can nurture their interest with blog posts, e-books, social media posts, and other types of content.

Social Media Videos for Community Promotion

Although short-form videos make excellent streaming commercials, you can also use them to promote your community on social media. One of the many benefits of social media marketing is that you can be a bit more casual. You don't have to worry about hiring an expensive editing team or paying thousands of dollars for set design. Just start recording staff and residents as they go about their normal routines.

Short-form videos give viewers a peek inside your community, helping them understand what type of lifestyle you offer. Whether you run an Independent Living community or a Skilled Nursing center, social-media videos make it easier to generate awareness and capture the interest of prospective residents and their family members. Video marketing also gives you the opportunity to build a positive reputation among audience members. If your videos show residents enjoying themselves in a clean, well-lit, well-maintained community, they'll be more likely to contact you as their senior living needs change.

Adding Videos to Your Website

If you aren't already adding videos to your website, start doing so today, as some topics are better explained with a video than with a blog post or an e-book. For example, if you want prospective residents to see what your community looks like, create a virtual video tour and post it on your website. Watching the tour and viewing floor plans online can make it easier for prospective community members to gather information.

You should also ask some of your residents to provide video testimonials. A strong testimonial complements the rest of your content by showing audience members that current and past residents are extremely satisfied with your community and its amenities. Think of a testimonial as a seal of approval. Audience members are more likely to trust information about your community if it comes from someone who has already used your services and had a positive experience.

FIVENineteen is here to support your holistic marketing efforts every step of the way. Our team of marketing experts is ready to help you drive leads to your community through the strategic use of video. Check out the work we've done to see some of the videos we've produced for our clients!

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